The benefits of Health, Hydration, Low Tox living and Contributing to an Eco Friendly Planet.
Did you know 1000,000 plastic bottles are consumed Globally EVERY minute.
70-80 percent of plastic packaging gets rejected at the recycling plant. Others end up in landfills and in our oceans.
It takes around 450 years for plastic bottles to break down.
The plastic bottle you used 10 years ago still exists in some form, on the planet today.
Plastics break down into micro plastics - from this 2/3 marine life are suffering from plastic ingestion. If you eat seafood you are eating plastic too.
Each plastic bottle leaks harmful chemicals into our environment as it breaks down.
The K8 Water Ioniser helps you reduce toxic chemicals and bottles products in your home such as cleaning and beauty products.
You are contributing to a more conscious and sustainable future by keeping harmful chemicals out of our homes, waterways and oceans.
Health, Hydration, Low Tox living, Contributing to an Eco Friendly Planet.
I have been using these two products in my home for nearly 2 years now and I see the low tox living benefits in all areas of the home and our own health.
For more detailed information on the K8 Kangen Water Ioniser and Anespa DX Mineral Ion Water Spa click on the links above.